The inVia confocal Raman spectroscopy

Mohammed Amlieh, Education fellow

Instrument status:
Operational 27/03/2024 11:07

Equipment placement:
Riad 8 first floor, Physics low temperature Area,

The inVia confocal Raman imaging system offers outstanding performance in speed, sensitivity and resolution, as well as reliable results for even the most challenging experiments. It comprises a research-grade microscope coupled to a high-performance Raman spectrometer. Hence it can produce both rich, detailed, chemical images and highly specific data from discrete points.


Renishaw inVia confocal spectrometer for Raman, PL, and multispectral imaging at 355, 532 and 785 nm

Spectrometer Features:

Equipment Description
Stigmatic spectrograph Single stage, 250 mm focal length, very bright (throughput > 30 % in the spectrograph
Beam expander Motorised and optimised for each exciter for working at the diffraction limit with all working configurations
Mirrors Independent and optimised for each exciter for maximum performance
Input slit Motorised, software-controlled
CCD detector Renishaw centre’s NIR/UV deep depletion Peltier cooled (-70 C) 1-inch 1024 pixels (26 microns/pixel). Requires no water or liquid nitrogen
Neutral density filters 16 power levels (from 0.00005 to 100%) available directly from the software

Basic Microscope Features:

Research grade optical microscope with objectives:

  • 10x (NA 0.25, WD 17.6mm)
  • 20x (NA0.40, WD 1.15mm)
  • 50x (NA 0.50, WD 8.20 mm)

Motorized stage travelling range:

  • 112 x 76 mm in X, Y
  • 25 mm in Z with 8 nm resolution

Step size:

  • 50 nm in X, Y
  • 8 nm in Z

Excitation Lasers:

Wavelength (nm) Power range (mW) Laser blocking filter ()
355 10 150
532 50 200
785 300 80