Terahertz imaging is one of the many applications of THz photonics in the industrial world. We aim to develop reliable, robust, and compact solutions that meet industrial needs, such as characterizing products, diagnosing illnesses, inspecting goods or people, etc.

Due to the submillimeter wavelength and non-ionizing character, THz waves are a safe choice with sufficient resolution to be applied in many imaging applications. This makes THz waves an excellent candidate for imaging and detection technology where high-energy UV and X-rays cannot be applied.

Seco-Martorell, C., López-Domínguez, V., Arauz-Garofalo, G., Redo-Sanchez, A., Palacios, J., & Tejada, J. (2013). Goya’s artwork imaging with Terahertz waves. Optics express21(15), 17800-17805.